Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ashellie was a rolling stone...

Yes, Ashellie was (is) a rolling stone, where ever she parks her car was (is) her home.  I am going somewhere with this, the questions is where.  All I want to do is be happy, enjoy my life, and do what I want, and every plan I devise to accomplish that, is some how staggered by reality.  So in 6 years, I moved about 8 times.  If you asked me to list all my previous addresses, I probably couldn't accomplish that without pulling a public record or a credit report.  If anyone asked me why so many moves, my answer would be a plethora things...hate my job, boring life, didn't like the place as much as I thought, or just plain bored all around.

Why, oh why can't I just live my life and be happy?  I haven't put too much thought in my answer just yet.  I mean, if I wanted to bore everyone with my life story, I could find about 5 roots to this problem, but I guess I won't bother with it today.  All I know is that the car is about to get packed up and I'm about to roll on to yet another destination until I can find this happiness or this life, I believe I'm in search of.  Don't ask me why I'm moving on, don't try to make me stay, consider this another dot on my connect the dot puzzle of a life that will be complete once I feel I'm done.  Wish me luck, pray for me, or if anything,just be glad I'm trying to find myself...I think, we'll see.

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