Monday, January 2, 2012

The Best Is Yet To Come...

My first time REALLY blogging, so I won't give you all of the good stuff in one dose... I mean as the title goes, "The Best Is Yet To Come."  One of the first quotes I heard more than a few times at the start of the year was "Get out of your OWN way".  While some of you will read that line and be dumbfounded by the interpretation, its actually quite simple... stop hindering yourself from experiencing happiness.  While many of us blame randomness on why we can't be happy, one can only wonder what we can do ourselves to ensure that even the random stuff won't stop the show. 

I can name a few things I myself do to hinder my own happiness, but I'll admit, that it's an on going work in progress.  I decided the best way to approach getting out of my own way is to first start by blogging about my experiences.  ONE, because I know we could all use a good laugh, and TWO, because we can all learn from each other in some way shape or form.  So we will start 2014 off by thinking about the things we do to hinder us from being truly promise to myself is to be open and honest with everyone.  People seem to value my thoughts and opinion so it's the least I could do.

First step to being honest is admitting a flaw, a flaw that everyone knows your have, but you are not willing to admit...

My first admission...I joke about everything because its too much pressure and work to be serious about anything...a flaw in itself because soon others will always think you are a joke and never take you or your feelings seriously when you want them too...sort of like, laugh at my pain, but no not really... See, for me, joking is way of me getting my thoughts out without there having to be a disclaimer to tread lightly on my feelings...lets laugh about it rather than have a moment.  However, it seems like I need little less laughter and more "moments".  So I will attribute this year and time to being open to see what kind of results that yields...hopefully it won't out put too much of a damper on my comical sarcasm. 

Now that I have confessed something, what will you confess to know...take the first step to becoming a better you...???


  1. Ok so my flaw is...Im not affectionate enough. Give me my space!

  2. Lol... I may be too affectionate with the wrong people...but then when I'm not affectionate, people think that I really don't like them... I give too much space... go figure...

  3. First & Foremost, Thank You For Allowing Me To Join This Blog... Its An Honor...

    For Me I Try To Live Life To The Fullest. I Live A Repentful Life, Because I Never Know When My Day Will Come(End).

    I Look At It Like This, Why Deprive Yourself Of Living A Great Human Experience Because Things Dont Go Your Way Throughout A 24 Day Time Frame?
    I Use To Drink My Pain Away Because I Wasn't Happy... I Labeled Myself As An Outsider... I Always Investigated Situations... Mostly Interpret Life Battles Within A Single Human Being... The Things That I Did (Done) In My Childhood Years Wasnt Acceptable To Others My Age. They Called Me An Outcast, Crazy, Retarded, And Even Dumb.

    But I Admit That My Drinking And My Social Life Has Hindered Me From Being Happy To The Full Extent. In So Many Ways. Little Did I Know, I Was Getting Out Of My Own Way When I Was Doing The Things That I Didnt Understand., But Now I Do.

  4. Thanks for sharing! That's something that we all need to work on...getting out of our own way... once you realize that, you're in good shape to work on your happiness... I hope you continue to follow BC I know we can all learn from one another and I have plenty to share...stay tuned!
