Thursday, January 27, 2011

So let's see what I am telling today...

Well since this is my first blog, I decided I'd keep it simple, yet tell a little background as to how this all came about.  Somehow down the line in my whole 20 something years of living, life suddenly became funny.  Everything started making sense and my understanding for human beings became more relevant.  While I seem to be the person with all the great advice, I couldn't understand why everyone was benefiting from my wisdom but me...that's so odd, but I guess I am still here for a reason.  Along the way you will read some very random things, but while it's funny, it's all real.  It keeps things interesting though.  Trust me, I have been there and done that, but I don't own a t-shirt because I don't want anyone to know how foolish I was unless it comes from my own mouth.  I'd hate to broadcast my flaws at first sight. 

I decided to write a book about my experience, yet I learned that it is not going to write itself seeing as how I have not put pen to paper in over a year...the rough draft was crazy though...  After careful counsel, I felt a blog would be the way to start...hope I don't step on any toes along the way.  I promise it won't be a male basher...just a funny take on my experiences...I have nothing but love for those who helped me appreciate me being me and refining my taste in "something new."  So I felt like a few life lessons were learned along the way...  When I find a caddy way to convey those lessons I will...none the less, it will be a fun ride, once we take off...maybe once my following grows, we'll see where this ride ends up...blogging is new to me, but we will see if it will grow on me or become another great "shoulda coulda woulda."

So the first lesson I learned, is that you can't run from the past and you can't hide from what always have to deal with things right then and right there or you will never grow...So that's the first lesson, but you'll have to wait for the study guide...